Dirge Electronics

We've had the pleasure of interrogating Evan, from Dirge!


Q: What was your first encounter with guitar and/or pedals?
A: My first guitar was a Dean Vendetta that I bought with my first paycheck in high school along with a Digitech Death Metal. I wanted to play black metal.
Q: When did you start getting into building?
A: I started circuit bending kids toys in high school and early college. I built up a bunch of Atari punk consoles first and then in college wanted to play pedals I couldn’t afford so after some trial and error ended up making myself some simple clones circa 2010 and it just sprung off from there.
Q: When did you design your first pedal?
A: It started with the Even Anguish which is my tuning of a Harmonic Percolator. Then the Slowly Melting was me circuit bending and exploiting the PT2399.
Q: What do you do for a living?
A: I am a sales rep for entry and storm doors
Q: Any long term goals?
A: Get as many people making noise as possible. Collaborate with my friends. Continue to make pedals I am proud of. Continue to enjoy the experience and privilege of being able to make things that people use to express themselves. Watch my kids grow up.
Q: Any other hobbies besides music?
A: Magic the Gathering, tinkering with literally everything
Q: Pets?
A cat named Mother
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